Nice seeing you this weekend, and nice reading you this morning! What a beautiful family!

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It was great seeing the quartet without Alex which asked you to lay out on the piano keys, leading a trio, which you certainly did, Bob. Thanks for reading my Substack post on my family and your comment.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Eric Trules

Fantastic, miss you, come to the gallery this weekend?

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Not sure u will see this, Trisha, but is Jen Tough having something this weekend?

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Eric Trules

Great to read this, Eric. You're living an epic life!

All best wishes,


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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Eric Trules

Hi Eric,

I really enjoyed this. So filled with truth and humor and the human condition


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Thanks for your comment, Judy. And for being such a long time and devoted reader of mine. I really appreciate it.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Eric Trules

Beautiful, entertaining writing as usual.

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Thanks, my friend, for always reading "my stuff", after ALL THESE YEARS! I know which direction your car is parked!

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Eric Trules

Wow, living "the life" with all its messy complications and undiscovered joys. Just they way it was meant to be. Thanks for sharing, Eric.

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You're welcome, "Mr. Fry". I hope you don't mind, I prefer to think of you by that name, as opposed to "Einstein! You've become quite a loyal friend! Thanks!

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Good work. Eric, let me know if you were able to read my email to you. For some reason, this Substack article came to me as an email, not on the Substack site.

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Sent you an email.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Eric Trules

Eric, you are a transparent, sometimes excruciatingly candid writer. No BS as you bring to vivid color your and Surya and Excel’s life experiences. Thanks for sharing them with us.

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Sorry about the "excruciating" part, Andrea. Naturally, that sounds painful. Not my intent. I was more aiming for "revealing". "Candid" and "Vivid color", I don't mind at all. In any event, thanks so much for being one of my most loyal readers for so many years!!!!!! Best wishes to you & Hugh!!!!

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I loved reading every word of this. I think Excel SHOULD write that book, for kids who are forced to assimilate. It would be so helpful and healing. Give Surya + Excel our love. Hope to see you soon. You did the right thing. LA is deteriorating. It's so sad. Love, your old friend (who is still your friend --for life). xSH

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Thanks, Library Girl, my Lifelong Friend! WITH A NEW BOOK JUST BEING PUBLISHED!!!

You probably even liked my TYPOS!!! How is LA deteriorating? It's been the same way since your childhood, hasn't it?

I hope maybe after your upcoming publishing BRUHAHAH and SPLASH you'll come back to visit Santa Fe again?

I will definitely give ExSel (who will NEVER write such a book, only LIVE it!), and Surya your love!!!


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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Eric Trules

I love this one - What an amazing story of family! Exsel is indeed brilliant and has overcome many hurdles. Much admiration of you three!

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Thanks SO MUCH, Saroj. Hopefully, one day, you'll meet Surya tooooooooooooo!

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Eric Trules

Can't afford to be a pd subscriber yet as saving for a trip but absolutely loved this episode, Eric, and the info on your wife and son- and this,"I spent over a decade being a professional silent clown. I was pretty good at non-verbal communication."!! So happy for you- and for Exsel finding the right school and Suraya (sp?) the right job(s)!!! Long may you prosper, all three, and may huge amounts of joy come to each!!! Woke up early this morning, literally, to pray, as the world seems in such chaos, and to delete stuff on the email so it wouldn't take so long in the morning to get though stuff next month, when traveling! And my reward was finding your writing!! Thank you!!! Love, virginia. PS does Exsel want to be a writer too???

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Thanks, as always, Virginia, for reading MY STUFF! Hope you have a great summer!

As far as I know, Exsel has no desire to follow in my footsteps: clown shoes, writer's pages, or anything else. I AM curious though, about his unique journey!!!!

xo Eric

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Eric Trules

Buttercup and daisy salutations from across da machair. You shape words, pattern image, always of interest to read, as long use have jumped the fire to protect the milk from the fairies:)

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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023Author

Thanks for your poetic comment, my no longer wee Scottish lass! Can you believe it was 34 years ago that we met in the Edinburgh heathers of Scotland's Fringe?

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Eric Trules

Surprise! I'm home after two weeks of hospital recovery from a heart attack! Loved your story about your new world and parenting!

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Yes, I'm so glad you survived and delayed your entry into Heaven! Thanks, as always, for reading my stuff!!! Look forward to your full recovery and your visit to Santa Fe!!!!!

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Your assessment of your landlady being a " bleeding heart liberal who married a republican " is elementary AT BEST ... landlords democrat republican or whatever , are the bane of society . it IS NOT a democrat or republican thing , that argument is SO TIRED and completely un-evolved ... its the rich against poor , the have and have nots , the working class against the ruling class . PERIOD .. take it from someone who was BORN AND RAISED in Echo Park , whose family has been there since 1952 , generations long before you and your unseasoned opinion . Echo Park was working class until the liberal richies moved in with their Teslas and signs " in this house we believe....." and their precious permitted street parking but still bought property and evicted most if not ALL of my latino neighbors and friends... steamrolling over the culture, store fronts , and community to a more sanitized $20 sandwich kind of place ... so please don't act like being a liberal is a champion for anything , if Echo Park was such a liberal haven , why did you flee ? ... while people sleep on the streets , healthcare for all is never going to happen , inflation is through the roof , endless money for war and none for education no affordable housing , ALL happening under " liberal leaders " city state , of federal government . and here you are , moving to Santa Fe , that is essentially L..A. and New Yorkers now . It's time to ditch the liberal / conservative narrative .... and realize the government doesnt give a fuck about us no matter which color you choose. exhausting narrative

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